Friday, December 27, 2019

The Taboo The Art Of Bernadette Mayer And Patti Smith Essay

Verse the Taboo: The Art of Bernadette Mayer and Patti Smith When someone says, â€Å"New York,† people may imagine the smell of a hot dog stand, the congestion of people in suits and ties hastening down Wall Street, or the sound of taxis honking and rushing to get through brief, green lights. For others, however, New York City has always been known as a creative place where one can express themselves through their art and music. For Patti Smith and Bernadette Mayer, New York City was their safe-haven where they could freely express themselves through their work. Bernadette Mayer was born in 1945, and she began to write poetry about the truth of motherhood, and her feelings about topics that hadn’t been previously addressed during the time. Patti Smith was born in 1946, and she beautifully fused rock and poetry in order to create a unique sound that would pave the way for punk rock. In her poetry, Bernadette Mayer spoke honestly about her opinions and feelings about motherhood; this was something that wasn’t commonplace at the time. It was often expected, and ingrained into women, that they were to have children and be nurturers, and Bernadette was no exception. She had children, but through her poetry, she expressed her conflicting emotions and thoughts about the way her world operates. Patti Smith, like Mayer, addresses her experiences, and shares how her pregnancy was looked down upon simply because she wasn’t married. These two women had the courage to write about what other

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Operation Management - 3821 Words

operation management †¢ Executive Summary Operation management is defined as the design, operation, and improvement of the systems that create and deliver the firm’s primary products and services. Somerset furniture company’s global supply chain was getting lose its competitive edge and even faced shipments delayed by as much as 40%. The company prides itself on customer service and fears that late deliveries to its customers would harm its credibility and result in lost customers and excessive inventories. Somerset set up new strategy and tactics to meet the goals and improve the global supply chain. First, Somerset found out where the problems are and focused on its core competences that improve productivities and reduce†¦show more content†¦Thus, Somerset needs to more focus on improving quality and reducing time and then we can define Somerset’s business strategy is providing exceptional higher quality, faster delivery. †¢ The detailed tactics to meet the goals or solve problems Operation managers are discovering that global supply chains have additional complexities that were either negligible or nonexistent in domestic operations. These complexities include language and cultural differences, declare customs, currency fluctuations, armed conflicts availability of trucking, increased transportation costs, and crucial lead times, and the increased need for trust and cooperation among supply chain partners. Furthermore, managers must be able to identify and analyze factors that differ from country to country that can impact the success of the supply chain, including local capabilities: financial, transportation, and communication infrastructures: governmental, environmental, and regulatory issues: and political issues. Somerset has to develop not only technology information system, sourcing supplies, materials but also relationship with suppliers such as Chinese workers, Chinese managers, truckin g availability and customs inspection etc. There are several considerations to improve Somerset’s inefficiency in aspects of quality controls and time reduction, flexibility and cost. †¢Show MoreRelatedOperations Management : Operation Management1355 Words   |  6 PagesOperations Management Introduction Operations management is the activity of managing the resources that create and deliver services and products. 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However, the unskilled guides are not familiar with the operations so they need to read fromRead MoreOperation Management And Operations Management2148 Words   |  9 PagesOperation management Introduction Being an operations manager is not an easy task, it involves good control and responsibilities for the major activities within the organisations in order to achieve goals that might be in form of services or in form of goods. The operation management roles may be different from business to business depending on the size and resources available, each organisation has its own operations functions, and in order to produces goods or services they have to convert theRead MoreImportance Of Production And Operations Management2317 Words   |  10 Pagesthe production and operation of enterprises. In order to remain competitive, companies in different countries have different factors of competitive advantage. 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OPERATION MANAGEMENT 3 1.1. DEFINITION OF OPERATION MANAGEMENT 3 1.2. THE ROLE OF OPERATION MANAGER 3 1.3. RELATIONSHIP OF OPERATION MANAGEMENT WITH OTHER CORE FUNCTIONS 3 2. CASE STUDIES 3 2.1. HEATHROW INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT 3 2.2. NESTLÉ UK CHOCOLATE FACTORY 3 3. MAJOR UNDERSTANDINGS OF THE STUDY 3 4. CONCLUSIONS 3 REFERENCES 3 1. Operation Management For the success of an organization, the management crew plays a major role. An organizational structure is based on differentRead MoreOperations Management986 Words   |  4 PagesOPERATIONS MANAGEMENT Select two organisations that you are familiar with – one with a service output and one with a product output, and compare and contrast these organisations with respect to the following aspects: 1.1 The process of transformation of inputs to outputs 1.2 Process and Capacity design 1.3 Supply Chain management 1.4 Scheduling Operations Management refers to the management of the production system that transforms inputs into finished goods and services, (http://csuponomaRead MoreOperation Management2436 Words   |  10 PagesOPERATION MANAGEMENT IS IMPORTANT TO ALL BUSINESS To be able produce specialized managers capable of fulfilling strategic tasks within business and government enterprises the need for the practice of operations management cannot be forgone. Operations management is very significant in business operations since it forms the heart of the organisation by controlling the system of operation. Operations management deals with the design, operation, and enhancement of the systems that generate and deliverRead MoreOperations Management Chapter 18 Manual1950 Words   |  8 PagesChApter 18 Management of Waiting Lines Teaching Notes Some of the math and calculations can be left out in order to focus more clearly on the concepts of waiting lines. For example, all infinite source problems, including single channel (except constant service time) can be handled using the infinite source queuing table. In the past, queuing presented students with a good bit of computational requirements, and because of that, students frequently lost sight of the underlying concepts. 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Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Importance of Loyalty in the Epic of Gilgamesh Epi Essay Example For Students

Importance of Loyalty in the Epic of Gilgamesh Epi Essay c Gilgamesh essays Loyalty in The Epic of Gilgamesh The ancient Mesopotamian writing, The Epic of Gilgamesh, gives readers insight into the traditions and customs of the people who wrote it. Like all epics, The Epic of Gilgamesh is the story of a heroic national figure: this epic gives the story of the life of Gilgamesh from his birth as two-thirds god, one-third man to his death. Throughout the epic the importance of loyalty is addressed. In The Epic of Gilgamesh readers see that loyalty is the most important aspect of a Mesopotamian relationship and that there are always consequences for violating trust. Insight into loyalty and the consequences of violating loyalty is first along with the civilization of Enkidu. Before his civilization Enkidu ate grass in the hills with the gazelle and lurked with the wild beasts; he had joy of water with the heads of wild game (63). Not only did Enkidu live with the animals of the hills he helps the wild game to escape; he fills in my pits and pulls up my traps (64). The animals of the hills trusted Enkidu. No other man would be allowed to run with these animals, but they accepted Enkidu. The young trapper became displeased with the actions of Enkidu. The trapper journeys to Uruk to seek advice from Gilgamesh. Gilgamesh advises the trapper to go back, take with you a child of pleasure. At the drinking-hole she will strip, and when he sees her beckoning he will embrace her and the game of the wilderness will surely reject him (64). This passage demonstrates the known consequences of violating a loyalty. Gilgamesh knows that Enkidu will not be able to resist the temptation of a woman. The animals of the hills distrust humans and by being with a woman Enkidu will violate the trust of the animals. The trapper takes a harlot and returns the fields. Gilgameshs plan works well: As he lay on her murmuring love she taught him the womans art. For six days and seven nights they lay together, for Enkidu had forgotten his home in the hills; but when he was satisfied he went back to the wild beasts. Then when the gazelle saw him, they bolted away (65). Just as Gilgamesh had predicted Enkidu gave into human desire and became civil. The animals were betrayed and no longer accepted Enkidu as of their own. Because he could not resist the lust of a woman, Enkidu violated his loyalty, and lost the only home he had ever known. Another example of the importance of loyalty comes with Utnupishtims story of the flood. So the gods agreed to exterminate mankind. Enlil did this, but Ea because of his oath warned me in a dream (108). Eas loyalty to Utnupishtim was so important that he went against the wishes of the other gods to exterminate mankind. After the flood Enlil forgave Ea because Enlil understood the importance of Eas oath. The gods pronounced that in time past Utnupishtim was a mortal man; henceforth he and his wife shall live in the distance of the mouth of the rivers (113). These two passages demonstrate to readers the importance of loyalty. They also contrast the consequences of betrayal. Ea betrayed the other gods, but since it was because of his loyalty to Utnupishtim they did not punish Ea. The wild animals, however, could not accept Enkidus betrayal and reject him. .

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Mass Media free essay sample

The mass media, since being invented, have experienced many improvements, undergone numerous in variety from television, radio, newspaper to the internet. People watch televisions every day, read newspapers every hour, therefore, it goes without saying that mass media has the capability to affect their mind. The mass media, including TV, radio, newspaper play a very important role in our modern life. They have changed our life very much. It is not disgusting to say that they have a great influence in shaping peoples ideas, both for the better and the worse. The mass media affects peoples fashion. Simply take a glance at the way you dress right now, it was probably something you have picked up over the internet or magazines. What we are wearing may look similar to what famous actors or singers have worn recently. And all of the things we often to is to imitate the models appear every day in fashion shows. We will write a custom essay sample on Mass Media or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The media builds up our knowledge about social issues and have significant influence on our attitude towards the problems. Every day there are several events broadcasted and analyzed on television and radio. We cannot deny that the mass edia have a great contribution to shaping our ways of thinking. It is obvious that the mass media also play an important role in our attitude to life. In this assignment, I have considered a number of very compelling aspects of this topic: what impact do media have on children? And how can parents and others influence these media effects on children? What is media? Media is a tool used to convey mass communication to a larger audience or market. Up until the 20th century the main source of information were TV, Radio, Magazine, Newspaper and lately the internet. These mass media plays a big role in our life. How it affects us: There are still so many people that will insist that the images on TV and works and picture in Newspaper are not responsible for the problems of the society. The media is a good source of information and entertainment. In this first section I will talk about how the media affect our awareness, knowledge, attitude and behaviour. You will see the people turn to media learn about Moral Values and interpersonal relationship from the media. A medium give us an opinion of various cultures, religious and believes. These help s to identity ourselves and others. It snows that now people live, what they believe in and describe the society. Most television viewer considers Arabs as terrorist because of the way they are portrait in the news. Heavvy usage of this image may result in the cultivation of opinion. News that we get from certain media contradict the real society. You have to actually understand their religion and believe in order to make a statement about the person or the society. How the media affect our attitude and behaviour: The media have a great effect on the society and in our life experience. We ometimes try to apply these concepts to our everyday life. Teenagers like to watch TV shows about Love, Fashion, Relationship, violence, many other things. On the other hand older people watch things about Food, Health, Exercises and news from the world. This affect everyone behaviours at that particular time. Media can be a great source of wisdom and knowledge but we should realize its impact on our society, our family, our attitudes, our kids and our self. The media have a great effect on our society and in our attitudes, our kids and our self. The media have a great effect on the society and in our life experience. We sometimes try to apply these concepts to our daily life. Mass media as we know can give an effect to our education, environment or may be family life. Sometimes media can give a positive effect and sometimes it will give a negative effect to our life. Influence of mass media: In the last 50 years the media influence has developed exponentially with the advance of technology, first there was telegraph, then the radio, the newspaper, magazine, television and now the internet. We live in society that depends on information and communication to keep moving in the right direction and do our aily activities like work, entertainment, attitudes, healthcare, education, personal relationships, travelling and anything else that we have to perform. Media is the means of support to the people in the world which shapes their attitude, opinion, and makes them to think before they start doing a particular work. The most beautiful is it helps the people to know about different religious, places, important things to do about the past and the future. Media is well and good enough as long as its valuable and influential information on society. The usage of media would depend pon each individual to carry out the maximum of what is good and moral to be performed out in the society. Influence on children: Initially, I want to speak about how media can give a big role to the childrens life. Many children watch between two and four hours of television per day. The presence of role models, how men and women, boys and girls are presented in the media, powerfully affects boys and girls their role in the world. In this case, media such as television has a bad effect to the children. Some people complain that children nowadays tend to be lazier and more violent. This is simply the result ot bad programmes shown on T. V all time, incontrollable websites and even the carelessness of parents. To be free from their children, some people allow the children to surf the webs, without noticing that are plenty of disasters on Internet which the children have experienced to deal with. We cannot blame the children about what they do because actually they dont know anything about it. In this regard the parents have a big responsibility to guide their children, and let them know about what program that they watch. The parents must have a big role to guide their hildren; their attitudes towards the media. Influence on parents: Next I would like to consider the impact of the media on parents about parenting. Parents are an important audience for childrens media. The media plays a role in providing information and support to parents about child-rearing. We already know that there is an explosion of information and advice about child-rearing in the mass media. In every category of mass media, from books and magazines, television and the internet, message about child-rearing are being directed to parents to an extraordinary level. Yet, little attention is given to the quantity or quality of those messages. Influence on youth: How do the media influence young people in todays society? Our society still seems confused about what to about young people. it seems to be gripped with a fear of youth. We blame them for much of societys harms like crime, damage, drugs, drinks, sex, and teenage pregnancy the list goes on. But if these theories are true, where do these rebellious attitudes come from? The obvious answer would be from the upbringing of children, but in my opinion the media also plays a substantial role in he attitudes, behaviour and physical aspects of youth today, in particularly that of young women. Media strongly affects youth culture. The media executives are quick to defend their role in youth violence and harassment while selling millions of dollars in advertisements focused on youth. TV producers, network executives, motion picture companies and others in media deny any impact of their programs on the attitudes and actions of youth. People, especially teenagers, always have an idol and they tend to follow what their idols do and say no matter these things are good or ad. Positive and negative influences in young people: Young people are in a stage of life where they want to be accepted by their peers, they want to be loved and be successful. The media creates the ideal image of a beautiful men and women and tells them the characteristics of a successful person. If there is a sport that is getting a lot of attention by the media and gains popularity among your friends and society, you will more likely want to practice the sport and be cool witn all your triends. The result is that you will nave tun witn your triends and be ealthier because of the exercise you are doing. Media is one of the successful instruments to enrich our children, youth and parents to become successful one. It shapes our attitudes towards our better life. However a negative influence in teenagers is the use of cigars by celebrity movie stars, the constant exposure of sex images, the excessive images of violence and exposure to thousands of Junk food ads. Another negative influence in teenagers that has grown over the last years is anoxia and obesity. There are millions of adolescents fighting obesity. And they are exposed housands of advertisements of Junk food, and they are told that they become thin and wealthy. I believe that mass media is one of the main source considered of immorality such as drugs, drinking, pre-marital sex and adultery are of acceptance today. Media shows us these things. Exposes us to them. And we are all thinking if they are doing it, why cant we? It is implanted in our mind that these things are normal. Also more women are obsessive with losing weight even when they are not overweight; there are many women that they want to look the super models and thin elebrities, so they engage in eating disorder food which leads to severe health issues and even death. Conclusion: We should not take media as negative sources of impact. Not only media but everything has good and bad influence. It is up to persons catching ability. It is also depend on persons mind and thinking. If a person is a positive receiver the person will receive it positively. And other way is government must take initiative to publish and broadcast a pure and good channel. Every day people are surrounded by opinion and I enjoy that because they can formulate a more informed opinion based n what come across their way. In conclusion, we have absolutely no control over the media. Firstly, the mass media is expanding our understanding about environment. There are a number of environmental programs on television every week provides numerous viewers with explanation of what environment is and how important it is. Earth talk today program is an example which enables us to expand our knowledge about hot environmental issues by interviewing experts. Hardly have we watched these informative news and we comprehend the reasons why we need to protect the air, water and land on the earth. Mass Media free essay sample Please indicate whether the following statements are true or false (T/F) T 1. Positive feedback encourages the communication behavior in progress. T 2. Semantic noise occurs when a word or phrase means something different to the source and the receiver. F 3. Machine-assisted interpersonal communication allows the source and receiver to be separated by time and space. T 4. The Internet has â€Å"blurred† the lines between interpersonal and machine-assisted communication. T 5. The word â€Å"media† is the plural form of the singular word â€Å"medium. † T 6. Put simply, a functional approach to mass communication centers on audience’s use of media. T 7. A microanalytic perspective toward mass media centers on the functions media perform for an entire society. T 8. As noise increases, so does message fidelity. T 9. Status conferral occurs when people or issues become important because they have received media attention. T 10. Critical/cultural studies, unlike the functional approach to ass communication, are rooted in Marxist philosophy. We will write a custom essay sample on Mass Media or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page T 11. Online communications that use special techniques involving participation, conversation and sharing are called social media. F 12. Hegemony involves the application of force to extend dominance over marginalized or relatively powerless groups. F 13. People who say the invention of the printing press is responsible for many changes resulting after its development could be considered technological determinists. T 14. The importance of the entertainment function of mass media has grown as Americans have accumulated more leisure time. F 15. The development of photography meant that, during the Civil War, people got their first glimpse of the actual horrors and casualties of war. F 16. With the set on an average of eight hours per day, watching TV occupies more time (outside of work and sleep) than does Any other activity. T 17. The first mass medium bringing music, news, talk, and sports into people’s homes was radio. F 18. Wireless handheld media might change how some individuals communicate, but they’re not likely to affect traditional forms of mass media. T 19. Ideology refers to a specific set of beliefs, especially regarding social and political subjects. F 20. The authors of your text provide six uses of the media in daily lives: cognition, diversion, expression, and withdrawing, recording, and social expression. Multiple Choice: Identify the correct response. 21. When Beyonce Knowles is in a studio recording an album, she is engaged in the process of: . encoding b. messaging c. decoding d. sourcing e. channel-use 22. The television program â€Å"Survivor† is an example of a: a. source b. encoder c. message d. channel e. receiver 23. Which of the following is true of traditional mass communication organizations? a. They have multiple gatekeepers b. They are expensive to operate c. They exist to make a profit d. They are very competitive e. All of the above 24. Which of the following is a media vehicle? a. the New York Times b. the television industry c. the radio industry d. the film industry e. all of these 25. The _____approach presumes that the best way to understand the media is to investigate how the media are used. a. paradigmatic b. critical studies c. cultural studies d. functional e. both B C 26. Media analyses can occur at which level? a. macroanalytic b. microanalytic c. paradigmatic d. phenomenon e. both A B 27. Transmission of values is also referred to as the _____ function. a. installation b. distillation c. brainwashing d. socialization e. mediation 28. Which of the following is NOT an example of the diversion function of the media? a. listening to the radio to pass the time . reading an in-flight magazine to keep from being bored c. watching an episode of Biography to learn about the person featured d. listening to New Age music to relax e. watching a horror movie to become frightened 29. A society dependent upon the spoken word is called a(n) _____culture. a. verbal b. literal c. literate d. oral e. conceptual 30. Moving pictures helped to bring about the concept of: a. l eisure time b. popular culture c. elite culture d. cultural institutions e. leisure institutions 31. Wireless handheld media: . are individual devices that do not support connectivity b. are clearly associated with interpersonal communication rather than mass communication c. have the potential to radically transform traditional media and American culture d. seem to prevent the linkage function from occurring e. will erase the â€Å"digital divide† 32. Soon after the telegraph ____ began linking people together by voice, eliminating the need to understand telegraphic codes. a. the I-pod b. the I-phone c. the computer d. the telephone 33. Two inventions were needed to make photography a reality: a. a camera and film b. models and fluorescent lighting c. a tripod and black cloth d. a way to focus light rays from a source onto a surface and a way to copy and permanently store those images 34. Early photos called_____captured images on glass plates and were treated with silver iodide. a. Dagurreotypes b. Brownies c. Exposures d. Film 35. Johann Gutenberg is credited with developing a printing system using: a. a series of blocks b. daguerro type c. moveable metal type d. font based type e. an abacus 36. The first movie houses were named: . theatres b. Regal 6 c. cinemas d. nickelodeons 37. Edwin Porter’s â€Å"The Great Train Robbery† was an immensely popular western. This film was actually shot in _____. a. New York City b. California c. New Jersey d. Florida 38. The first medium to use digital communication was: a. the telegraph b. the telephone c. the radio d. the computer 39. Because of the digital revol ution, a. fledgling writers no longer need a publisher b. new bands can bypass music companies to reach their audiences c. traditional news media no longer have as much control as in the past d. all of these e. none of these 40. The average cost of a thirty second ad in last week’s Super Bowl w was a whopping:_____! How’s that some Doritos? Go Daddy! a. three thousand b. 3. 8 million c. 10 million d. 2 million **********Bonus: For an additional five points, design and answer the question of your choice. ********\ EXTRA: What is credibility? ANSWER: it’s the trust that the audience holds for media that performs surveillance functions. [pic] EN 290 Introduction to Mass Media Exam I Short Essay. Ten points each. Answer two of the following: Your response should be typed, double- spaced and between 200 – 250 words for each answer. 1. How has the Internet changed the characteristics of mass communication? The internet has changed the characteristics of mass communication by having everything you can possibly need at quick access, many people rely more on the internet than anything else. Yes the TV and Radio are convenient when you don’t have internet access but the internet plays a huge role in a large amount of people in the world. Whether it’s emailing family a Christmas picture, or talking to a stranger in a different country that you met on a foreign exchange, or even doing homework online, people literally can use the internet for anything. And it defiantly has a lot of advantages. Another disadvantage is that a lot of people don’t even read the new paper anymore because they can get it on the internet. And this also plays a huge role in the mail delivery, post offices want to cut another day of delivering because too many people pay bills over the internet and aren’t spending money on postage. So that’s letter carriers are losing out big time because of this. People rely so much on the internet for a lot of different reasons. Some good, some bad but in the end I believe that it has greatly changed the changed the characteristics of mass media. 2. Using the critical/cultural viewpoint, can you detect ways that the media preserve the current political and economic status quo? 3. Many people would argue that, of all the communication media, television has had the greatest impact on society. Do you agree? Why or why not? Yes, I do agree. I feel like people just go along with what everyone else says and they mostly don’t have their own opinion. by seeing things on TV and they want to be just like everyone else, there aren’t anymore original thoughts. It has a huge impact on society because if people are always doing what the media and TV are doing who knows what’s next. With all the shootings and stuff that have been going on I feel like that just gives people more ideas. And yes , we should know about things like that but I feel like media and all that shouldn’t go that deep into stories because it just like I said, gives people more ideas. And on MTV 16 and Pregnant? Yes I get it your 16 and living life knowing your going to have a child when your still a child yourself but by putting that on a popular channel for teenagers to watch it not only shows them what’s bad about it but, it also shows that these girls are getting paid for these people to follow them around with cameras for 9 months. And girls want stuff like that. There’s also many positives on TV but I feel like the media doesn’t truly think before they do things a lot of the time. 4. Some have argued that the media represents â€Å"the fourth† arm of government. Do you agree? How much political influence do the media weld in shaping public opinion? Should there be a â€Å"sacred trust† between the public and the media? Are these ethical obligations being met? 5. Preview a few of the technological advancements of media in the future. The year is 2050, what kinds of technology will we be using? Which forms of technology do you think will fall by the wayside?